Tuesday, May 15, 2012

North Carolina Raw Video - UNC Officials

Published on May 15, 2012
Raw, uncut Video of UNC officials discussing and embracing Voter Fraud

NJO: Title, video and caption from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

  • John M. Howting (He calls himself "Jason" in at least the first two segments, with the surname "Ranier" in the first segment. He uses the name "Michael G. Bolton" in the first poll worker sting, using the wording "The name is Michael G. Bolton" which thus leads the poll workers to believe that's his name without him having explicitly called himself by the name. One of the poll workers then asks him to clarify if he is "Michael Bolton Jr." and he responds "Michael G. Bolton, 1500 Dalworth. That would be correct, mm-hm." This bit deserves a proper transcript, because it's hard to be sure what these two people are understanding each other to be saying, and the fact that one of them is a grifter pulling a grift doesn't actually make it easier (To do). He then uses the name "William DeJesus Romero" in the second and third poll worker stings, using the wording "The name (is) William DeJesus Romero" which again leads the poll workers to believe that's his name without him having explicitly called himself by the name. He is identified as "Jon Buckley" in James O'Keefe's book "Breakthrough: Our Guerrilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy".)
  • Cynthia Jeub (Calls herself "Rebecca" in at least the second segment.)
  • Spencer Meads (Identified as "Adam Coolidge" in James O'Keefe's book "Breakthrough: Our Guerrilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy". In a snippet of video not in this long cut but included in the 10 minute slick cut, he uses the name "Zbigniew Gorzkowski" in a poll worker sting thus leading the poll workers to believe that's his name. Due to the way this piece is edited, it is not clear whether he explicitly called himself by the name or if he employed a trick of wording to avoid doing that which for some reason didn't make it into the final cut. This strikes me as suspicious.)
John Howting
Cynthia Jeub
Spencer Meads

NC Non-Citizens Voting, Dead Offered Ballots, UNC Officials Embrace Voter Fraud

Published on May 15, 2012
Since the release of our North Carolina Voter Fraud investigation on Tuesday the reaction has again been swift.

According to a report on the Daily Caller and ABC News, the administrators we interviewed at the University of North Carolina are being disciplined.

Chancellor Holden Thorp stated to ABC News, "While the scenarios described in the video were false, some of our administrators responded inappropriately, and we are taking disciplinary action against those who used poor judgment in their approach to these student imposters."

The investigation also sparked discussion of a consensus bill on Voter ID in the North Carolina legislature. Note that Governor Beverly Perdue vetoed legislation that previously passed.

Additionally, other organizations have reviewed our check of jury forms against the voter rolls and have found one individual, Mr. Romero, apparently became a naturalized citizen after refusing jury duty on the grounds of being a non-citizen.

Another individual appears to have perjured himself on the jury refusal form despite also being a naturalized citizen.

Project Veritas' journalists were offered ballots and encouraged to vote despite raising red flags with outlandish behavior -- such as speaking Spanish while asking to retrieve a foreign passport and wearing a ridiculous costume. However, while our facts were correct in the report, the perception presented in the investigation -- which highlighted the ease in which voter fraud can be committed -- deserves correction in regards to the citizenship status of Mr. Romero and Mr. Gorzkowski.

More footage coming soon . . .

North Carolina Ballots are offered out in the names of others to total strangers.
We find people who, according to Jury refusal forms, are listed as non-citizens. These individuals are also registered to vote. In one case the citizen appears to have perjured himself on the Jury-refusal form, since his jury refusal came after his voter registration. All public data is available here: http://www.projectveritas.com/ncsuppo...

Ballots are also handed out in the names of others to total strangers.
A dead voter is listed on the voter rolls. We interview an election Judge who says he only wants to uphold parts of the state constitution. We also interview the following officials at UNC who seemingly embrace voter fraud:
Terri Phoenix -- Director - UNC LGBTQ Center
Dean Blackburn UNC Assistant Dean of Students
Adam Limehouse - Director for the Coalition to Protect All NC Families.

Please Make a donation to ProjectVeritas.com

NJO: Video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

It looks as if the first eight paragraphs of the blurb were added a few days after the last three.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

John M. Howting
Cynthia Jeub
Spencer Meads

John Howting
Cynthia Jeub
Spencer Meads

Thursday, May 10, 2012

FBI Director Questioned about Project Veritas Holder Video in Congress

Published on May 10, 2012
FBI Director Robert Mueller says "this is the first I've heard of that incident" after Congressman King of Iowa asks him about Project Veritas video where Eric Holder's ballot offered to young white Caucasian male.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.