Monday, October 24, 2005

Premiere of Our Blog

We at The Centurion are pleased to announce the premiere of the Centurion Blog. This blog is intended to serve as a way for our readers at Rutgers and elsewhere to comment on the content of our issues. Once our new issue comes out we will be creating posts for comments to be left, so check back here once you the November issue has been released.

Originally posted at The Centurion at Rutgers at

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Women WANT nice guys but are ATTRACTED to assholes.

My friend Roger Masi introduced me to this philosophy...

What women WANT is different than what women are ATTRACTED to... Women desire arrogant, brutish, confident, cocky men, who are, well, funny. Women WANT men who are nice, rich, handsome, good family, etc. Men ARE ATTRACTED women who are hot, young, and fertile. It's biological, stemming from evolution and an ecological desire to produce offspring. Women don't want sissies. Nothing is worse to a woman than a guy who obsesses over them, worships them, thinks about them constantly. Women want men who are dangerous and strong. Looks are less important to them; probably second behind this strong personality.

And the above applies to HOT women. HOT women are ATTRACTED to jerks, brutes, and assholes, which to them, radiate such unbeffitting magnetic wonder without even trying. HOT women like morons, (with big cocks), who know the games women play, because they have the balls to approach them. Most gentlemen don't know what it is about jerks that makes them get women. I'll tell you...

The Jock Cock takes every opportunity to skillfully and shamelessly air the Hot girl's dirty laundry within unbeffitting jests and jokes, and candidly mocks her with light hearted irony. then he does somethin nice once in a while, but he ALWAYS uses it against her. This is what keeps her on her toes and attracted to him. Women love it. They feel a little embarrased, always pinned, helpless and challenged... Nice Gentlemen finish last, guaranteed.

Another thing, Hot, attractive women are always desperately seeking and competeting for something... and YOU can be that something... you don't have to manipulate! The true manipulation is how men ordinarily act! Buying gifts, makeup, candy, flowers, dinner, sucking up to girls... this is all based on WHAT OTHERS THINK IS NORMAL. Wussies, my friends are manipulators. wussies supresses his inner desires, The truth, so some girl will like him. If you think you're being selfish by using the methods above, know that women want you to use the new method!

A common error is that women care about LOOKS, like men do. Our personality, something within our control, is what women really want. Women aren't attracted to jerks because they like the abuse - its because they are bad boys. Women like domination.

My Friends, women logic is quite simple - the logic is complicated in its being counterintuitive -when you realize the truth behind the way they act and what they desire, the reasons they dump you (or reject you off the bat) will begin to make sense, and when you realize this, you will be wise.

NJO: Originally posted on the blog Feathers of Steel at

Friday, October 07, 2005

Sweet ███████

Everyone will tell you to burn her
photographs, return her gifts, ignore her, etc. That's terrible advice for your conscience and your heart, which tells you to keep talking, keep communicating, keep fighting to keep her with you. Writing journal entries about girls leaving you are introverted cliches, but it couldn't work any other way, it rings true every time you go through it. Breaking up with your first love is the hardest thing you will ever have to do.

To describe her is like trying to describe a feelign which can only be felt. Some remember displeasure, disatisfaction, whatever helps them recover from the depression of her leaving you. Not I. I remember the side of her face, how she would look out of the corner of her eyes, an infinity of lovely moments. The first semester of college was hard. Temptation, distance, uncertainy, homesickness, new surroundings. Some are nostalgic for their freshman year. Not I. It was hard, and at the time I couldn't appreciate my relationship with her. She used to cry on the phone with me, and I used to melt to it. The better man is loyal and committed, no matter how tough it is inside. The better man is patient. I didn't treat her right, of course, I took her for granted. Because I knew I hard her and she would never leave me.

The years went by, and I was lonely. She was immature at times, I wanted something more and dreamed of someone else. But something magical happened in the background and underneath it all. Some type of connection had developed, independent of lust, attraction, "love" desire, dependency and trust. It was like she became life, I became hers, we were each other, and integral to how we though, spoke, lived and hoped. I don't know what love is but I imagine it is what you make of it; hard word. I worked hard for ███████, probably not as hard as how much she worked for me. You can't just end that, certainly not with a phone call or a letter or a decision. Nothing overrides 4 years of contact and togetherness. You may think you can just say goodbye, what you feel will ultimately matter.

███████ has left me because she says it is what is needed in both of our lives. Everbody tells me it is time to move on. Like a President waiting to press the red button after the entire cabinet has agreed to drop the bomb, I stand pondering. There are lot of fish in the sea, so the proverb goes. So so so so many beautiful fish. But none like ███████. I hope one day we get back together. I think she is a wise, strong, independent, caring human being with a simple yet wonderful way of looking at life. She really loved me and then she went to college. She now wrestles with all the desires I fought off.

Earlier today she asked me if "I missed her." With my cabinet screaming in my ears to ignore her, I melted and told her the following: My Dear, I miss you more than the moon misses the sky, the waves miss the ocean, the desert misses the rain, the flower misses the sun … I don’t care what advice people give me, since you left, not a day goes by without me wishing I would have never took you for granted, and to this day I feel more attracted to you than ever, with every wickedly silly thing you do, my heart flutters, but the strength and inspiration you gave to me will far out live any stupid short term fling (which I Have yet to have). Even so, I want nothing more than to have fun with you. I hope guys are treating you like the beautiful princess you are, and deep inside, I hope you miss me too.

Tonight ███████ told me she has been dating another guy for six months. It is time for me to move on, this I realize. I will not leave crying, kicking and screaming, I will leave happy for what she brough into my life. If you are reading this ███████ I have to thank you, for giving me yourself for so long. You've left me because of temporary confusion but one day, we'll fly again. Until then, I need to meet someone else, and soon.

NJO: Originally posted on the blog Feathers of Steel at
Franklin College

I shall have an interview with the Swiss on Monday in Manhattan, to see if I will be spending the next semester abroad. To your left is a picture of Lake Lugano, 50 miles north of Milano, Italy located in the southern province of switzerland. I intend to use this blog as my travel log, if I go

NJO: Originally posted on the blog Feathers of Steel at