Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Holidays from the Teachers Unions

Uploaded on Dec 14, 2010
www.theprojectveritas.com NJ Teachers Unions brag about tenure in NJ, call Christie a "bastard," say they would "absolutely" side with teachers over kids in abuse situations...

East Newark Education Association
President, Montclair Education Association
Irvington Education Association
VicePresident, Bloomfield Education Association
President, Piscataway Education Association
New Brunswick Education Association
NJ Federation of Teachers
President, Newark Teachers Association
Voorhees Education Assocation
President, Vineland Education Association

Reported by Christopher Heneghan. Produced by James O'Keefe. Directed by Christian Hartsock. Narrated by Michael Garrett. Recording Engineer: Jacob Mattson. Motion Graphics: Daniel Smith.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Chris Heneghan
Christian Hartsock
Michael Garrett

Chris Heneghan
Christian Hartsock

The following comment was made on November 22, 2011 in reply to this post on Dr. Bruce Baker's blog, which is Dr. Baker's response to being targeted in one of James' "To Catch a Journalist" sting operations.

The commenter seems to be referring to the above video, hence its inclusion here.

Dr. Baker,

You are lucky James O’Keefe targeted you over the phone. I was working for an organization when his undercover film person came into our office on a day where there just happened to be no one there but myself and another colleague.

This person was wearing a floor length wool trench coat (it was over 90 degrees outside) and aggressively spoke about how he lost his last job as a teacher when he was accused of inappropriate sexual contact with a child. He decried his Union for doing nothing to defend him.

I grabbed a blunt object for protection and tried to call the police, but my more pacifist colleague thought it would be better to diffuse the situation and get the man (whom at that point I was fairly certain was mentally ill) out of the building.

Of course one sentence of that exchange was then used in a Teacher’s Gone Wild expose video.

At this point, anyone who regards the information presented in any of James O’Keefe’s “investigations” as accurate is just being willfully ignorant. I have very little tolerance and even less regard for willful ignorance.That’s my opinion. But I’m still sorry that happened to you.

Well put.

I would like to use a label for this sort of thing, but I just can't think of a shorthand way of saying "In this video an intrepid culture warrior presents themselves in an ambiguous way that could be perceived as being in some way mentally ill or mentally challenged or in some way threatening and this is a thing that the target of the video might be responding to".

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The Daily Caller on the Dole

Uploaded on Dec 6, 2010
The Daily Caller on the Dole

NJO: Video and caption from TheDailyCallerVideo YouTube channel. 


Investigative Journalist videotapes himself buying $100 candy on food stamps http://bit.ly/eLLcQo

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Teachers Unions Gone Wild - Father Joe

Uploaded on Oct 28, 2010
NJEA makes disparaging comment about Catholic School, talks about having "young female teachers" in class.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Jonathon C. "Jon / John" Burns 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Top Union Official Caught on Tape Discussing Voter Fraud

Uploaded on Oct 26, 2010
www.theprojectveritas.com Top Official at NJEA (New Jersey Education Association) discussing what he describes as a rigged election in Hudson County, NJ.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Teachers Unions Gone Wild - Volume II

Uploaded on Oct 25, 2010
NJ Superintendent caught covering up n-word incident in school with reporter posing as parent. Teacher who said n-word is confronted and chases reporter down highway.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Shaughn Adeleye

Shaughn Adeleye

Teachers Unions Gone Wild - Volume I

Uploaded on Oct 25, 2010
www.theprojectveritas.com NJEA Union Teachers call black students n*****, talk about slandering Christie, say they want to "f*** with kids," and brag about rigged elections and voter fraud.
Directed by Christian Hartsock. Narrated by Michael Garrett. Graphic Art by Riel Phillips. Music by Brandon Martinez. Motion Graphics by Daniel Smith.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Jonathon C. "Jon / John" Burns
Christian Hartsock
Michael Garrett

to do / to clean up:


Monday, October 04, 2010

Statement Regarding CNN

NJO: Source.

by James O'Keefe 
Now that I’ve had a chance to watch CNN’s “Right on the Edge” documentary, I’m happy to comment. I apologize for not saying anything sooner, but don’t want to comment until I have all the facts at my disposal.

As you can imagine in our line of work, we get lots of leads, ideas, schemes and “punked” style plans sent to us all the time. If you were to roam through my personal emails there are many outrageous plans, some parts of which I may approve of in principal with an “I like it” in an email thread. But I may well object to a host of things about the plan, though I like the objective.

NJO: Ugh. The first sentence of the second paragraph, with its weasel switch to plural pronouns, "our, we, us."

When the CNN idea was pitched to me, I’ll admit that I liked the basic absurdity of meeting Abbie Boudreau on a boat and the idea of counter-seduction satire executed in a tame, humorous, non-threatening manner. After all, as all liberal reporters do, she was trying to “seduce” (a metaphor) me so she could get more for her story. It would be fun, I thought, to turn the tables in jest. However, I was repulsed by the over-the-top language and symbolism that was suggested in the memo that was sent to me, and never considered that for a moment.

In my version, the reporter was never going to be placed in a threatening situation. She would have had to consent before being filmed and she was not going to be faux “seduced” unless she wanted to be.  If a CNN reporter would be willing to engage in such a folly, it might even be more newsworthy than Rick Sanchez’s firing.  (CNN also has Elliot Spitzer on payroll. He’s done more outrageous things than anything I’ve ever gotten in my in-box).

The sexually explicit document CNN is now “reporting” on was never going to be implemented as written. She saw how I was dressed that day, with my usual blazer and collared shirt. In the document she reported as being “authentic,” I was supposed to have been dressed with my chest exposed, slicked backed hair, with gold chains. That ought to have been a red flag the document was not a reflection of my true intentions. Ms. Boudreau was never going to be put in the bizarre situations outlined in the document CNN reported. There were no mirrors, sex tapes, blindfolds, fuzzy handcuffs, posters of naked women, or music. Sorry, you were not going to see my face saying the words “Bubble Headed Beach Blonde who comes on at 5” into a video camera.  Those are Don Henley lyrics – and we know, thanks to Chuck DeVore, how much Henley loathes parody.

I do believe that Izzy Santa, who came to Ms. Boudreau with the documents and the story, was simply trying to protect me and the organization from a dangerous and objectionable plan, one sent to me in my personal emails that she assumed, wrongly, and probably due to my own lack of communication to her, that I was going to implement. Nothing in the document was implemented.

NJO: Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

On August 10, a week before the meeting, James sent an email to three people: Project Veritas staffer Izzy Santa, Jonathon Burns of St Louis Tea Party, and author of the "CNN Caper" document Ben Wetmore, asking "Ben, you think I could get her on the boat?"

It should be noted that James has known Ben Wetmore since c.2005 when Wetmore was a staffer and field representative for Morton Blackwell's Leadership Institute, and that James had worked with Wetmore a number of times prior to this incident, and that James had described Wetmore as "a mentor of mine; a genius" in September 2009.

On August 13, four days before the meeting, James sent an email to Izzy Santa, saying "Please go to fedex and print out pleasure palace graphic on large banner - needs to be ready by late tonight - if possible..."

Here's the graphic:

On August 14, three days before the meeting, he sent another email to Izzy Santa, saying "Could you come down Tuesday for the CNN operation - I'll need another person around." The "CNN Caper" document written by Ben Wetmore refers to the plan as an "operation" five times.

On August 17 at 8:04AM, Izzy Santa sends an email to an unknown party, attesting that "James has staged the boat to be a palace of pleasure with all sorts of props, wants to have a bizarre sexual conversation with her."

At about 12:30PM on the same day, Abbie Boudreau meets Izzy Santa in the vicinity of the house and boat being used by James O'Keefe, and then a short time later, in the same place, encounters James O'Keefe. By Boudreau's account, Santa again claims that James is planning to "gag" CNN, and again attests that props are on the boat, this time specifying "strawberries and champagne." Also, by Boudreau's account, James asks her (Boudreau), "What are you ashamed of?" The idea of the female journalist having some sort of shame attached to her -- which is the disgusting theme of the second part of the CNN Caper document -- would appear to loom in James' mind here.

The "strawberries and champagne" are new details not mentioned in the document, which suggests that 1) the plan to get Boudreau on the boat and humiliate her using props was still on, and that 2) the specifics had been revised somewhat. That second point is what James focuses on in the third, fourth and fifth paragraphs, that the document "was never going to be implemented as written." He has notably less to say about what, exactly, was going to be implemented -- indeed, it's almost as if he's trying to deflect attention away from that by bringing up stupid shit like hairstyle discrepancies and lyrics and such -- but the gist has already been made clear: Grudge against CNN; Boat staged with suggestive props; "James O'Keefe Pleasure Palace"; Get female CNN reporter on boat; Shame On Her.

At the very least, James' statement that "Nothing in the document was implemented" does not sit well in agreement with his request to Santa to print out the Pleasure Palace graphic. One might even say that when he said that "Nothing in the document was implemented", he was doing that thing vulgarly known as "lying." And if I was counting, I might also say he was using passive voice to defocus attention from his personal agency in this thing that he did here which he then lied about in this lie that he told here.

I could also mention Boudreau's observations that Santa's lip was shaking and that she had some dirt on her face. This strongly suggests to me that someone may have just assaulted her. It's very disappointing that Boudreau and her crew did not, apparently, follow up on this.

I never wanted to be part of a CNN documentary because I know that CNN claims to be fair minded yet is not. Their pursuit of a non-story based on a document I neither produced, nor followed, confirms what we already know: “The most trusted name in news” can’t be trusted.  Look at their reporting.

CNN has falsely reported on every major investigation we’ve ever been a part of. For example, on September 10, 2009 CNN broadcasted we were “basically thrown out“  of the ACORN offices we visited. We weren’t. When the other tapes were released, it was shown we were not “thrown out” of any offices. (We’re still waiting on their correction.) On June 1st, 2010, CNN falsely reported we “plead guilty following an attempt to tamper.” We didn’t and they issued a correction. Now this.

I provided CNN with a clear statement that the document in question was objectionable. Still, they sent their “Special Investigations Unit” out in a failed attempt to discredit me. They do this not because they want to get to the truth, but because they are threatened by a bunch of independent journalists with video cameras uncovering the stories that they went to J-School to find.

Abbie Boudreau and Scott Zamost need to start worrying about – and covering – real abuses that are actually happening at Planned Parenthood, ACORN, or in Charlie Rangel’s office. They need to start producing the type of investigations young people with shoestring budgets and flair are investigating.

I can assure my supporters and my misguided adversaries that Project Veritas will continue to work to produce the investigative reports that CNN and others in the mainstream media have failed to deliver. It’s time to get back to work. Projects will be released soon. That inbox is getting full again.

And you never know what bizarre idea I’m going to need to reject next . . .

Sunday, September 26, 2010

America's Most Trusted News Source, CNN, reporting falsely on the ACORN scandal

Uploaded on Sep 26, 2010
Scott Zamost and Abbie Boudreau at CNN asked for a comment for their likely slanderous, libelous 'documentary' "On the Edge", this is the response I'm sending.

abbie.boudreau@cnn.com - (404) 422-4991
scott.zamost@cnn.com - (954) 294-6644

CNN claims it's "America's most trusted news source" but when the ACORN scandal broke out, it was falling over itself to cover for an organization intent on voter fraud, registration fraud and an organization that assisted people planning to engage in child prostitution.

It's not news, it's CNN. 

NJO: Title, video and blurb from O'Keefe crony Ben Wetmore's YouTube channel.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

CNN Caper: James O'Keefe email to Abbie Boudreau and Scott Zamost, Subject: "James O'Keefe Boat"

Source: CNN's Right on the Edge documentary.

From: James E. O'Keefe III
To: Abbie Boudreau
To: Scott Zamost
Subject: James O'Keefe Boat
Sent: Sep 23, 2010 3:28 PM

I understand you are inquiring about a document. Here is my statement regarding that: "That is not my work product. When it was sent to me, I immediately found certain elements highly objectionable and inappropriate, and did not consider them for one minute following it." - James

Monday, September 20, 2010

From the files of Ben Wetmore: "Confessions of a pro-life tagger"

NJO: "Benjamin Wetmore: A mentor of mine; a genius", said James O'Keefe in an interview in September 2009. So let's take a look at some of the wisdom of this certifiably mentorial influence on James' life.

Today, from September 2010, "Confessions of a pro-life tagger" (mirrored here)

Confessions from a Pro-Life Tagger

Running from the police is one of life's great joys. Or so I'm told. Hiding behind dumpsters, shedding clothing and evidence, trying to make the calm and cool getaway... a successful guerrilla operation is a rare and beautiful moment. Even more rare on an American college campus.
I'm getting ahead. We'll come back to the police.

There is a theory behind what is a "proper" liberal arts campus. The brick buildings, a holdover from nineteenth century architectural styles, provide an air of aloofness, dominion and detachment. The campus is stark. Scrubbed. Bleached. Sanitary. Airport modern. It resembles a hospital even in its sidewalks. Clean, white sidewalks. Posters advertise milquetoast affairs of special lectures and symphonic recitals. Even the ‘radicalism’ is chic, come hear the lecture on ‘white privilege’ or the essay on ‘institutional racism’ all contained within these scrubbed, bleached, sanitary modern walls.

The campus is small. Intimate. The paths between the dorms and the classrooms intersect, forcing students into interaction. Morris was founded with these ideals in mind. It is a special affair for the intelligent and gifted, the best in the Minnesota system. The honors student. There is an expected decorum held sacred by which all speech, must it happen at all, be bland and passionless. Intellectual. Rules, speech codes and administrative pressure are expected to keep the peace.

Such a model invites entropy. Such a model needs entropy.

In a poorly lit room, tucked away in one of those imposing brick structures, six individuals sit preparing to fuck the system. I'm one of them. This was a training exercise. Some off-campus leaders thought it necessary and decided to help out the local riffraff develop some guerrilla skills. We had started earlier, with small stuff. "Big R" was one of the off campus pros. "Little e" was the organizer, known for holding his knowledge close to the chest. Organizing guerrilla campaigns requires wavering attention spans and incoherent mumblings. Little e has mastered the art of comprehensible incomprehension. One pictures Lenin mumbling something about storming the gates, or Trotsky obliquely mentioning the advancing white guards.