Monday, June 01, 2009

From the files of Ben Wetmore: "The death of George Tiller"

NJO: "Benjamin Wetmore: A mentor of mine; a genius", said James O'Keefe in an interview in September 2009. So let's take a look at some of the wisdom of this certifiably mentorial influence on James' life.

Today, from June 2009, "The death of Dr George Tiller":

George Tiller, infamous doctor known for performing partial-birth and late-term abortions in Wichita, Kansas was shot and killed yesterday in his church. The media has been framing this issue as one of violence against a "health" provider, but in reality the current person suspected has virtually no ties to the pro-life movement. Regardless, the death of George Tiller is sad because not only will other confused doctors take his place, but his will become an issue of a fake martyr for the cause of killing children. The emotionally disturbed individual who decided to take a life to save unborn lives ought to have known that given the legal situation in America and the pervasive culture of death, that even by stopping Tiller, sadly, no babies would be saved and the media will jump on the opportunity to defame all pro-lifers. The emotional trauma of abortion, fostered and reinforced by abortionists and the abortion industry, will sadly only be furthered by this act, not alleviated. The violence also denies the powerful opportunity for conversions, such as those by Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Norma McCorvey. The murder of George Tiller inflicts the same emotional distress of the abortions he routinely provided, and will not save any babies. It's a sad day in many ways, not the least of which is the knowledge that thousands more babies are going to die tomorrow.

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