Wednesday, October 10, 2012

@ProjectVeritas_ EXCLUSIVE: DNC Staffer Assists Double Voting In Support of Obama

Published on Oct 10, 2012


Our undercover reporters ask OFA (Organizing for America, President Obama's Grassroots arm of his re-election campaign) staffers for advice on double voting. In each circumstance the staffers are complicit in the illegal implications of voting twice.

Music: Anthony Dini- Worlds Collide
iTunes Link-

Stephanie Caballero
Regional Field Director
Houston OFA HQ
4402 Almeda Rd.
Houston, TX 77004

Reporter: And there's no way they'd be able to cross reference the ballots?
Obama Campaign: If you voted twice?
Reporter: Yeah.
Obama Campaign: I don't know this. That's not my expertise.

Reporter: Yea I don't want to get in any trouble but like I said if no one's gonna know
Reporter: I don't have a problem with it.
Reporter: Yea, so anyway - But -
Obama Campaign: Oh my God this is so funny. It's cool though!

Reporter: But I was gonna see as far as all the registering for Florida -
Obama Campaign: Mhm
Reporter: Where do I get the forms to do that?
Reporter: Or not registering but voting in Florida for the absentee -
Obama Campaign: So what you'll have to do is you're going to call in to Florida.
Reporter: Okay.
Obama Campaign: And call - Let me see.
Obama Campaign: Are you going to do what I think you are going to do?
Reporter: Well I mean if no one's gonna know -
Obama Campaign: Laughter
Obama Campaign: You're so hilarious!

Obama Campaign: Come up with like - If anyone checks say "I don't know".

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Cynthia Jeub (the "Reporter")
Travis Irvine
Eric Kaiser Johnson

Cynthia Jeub
Travis Irvine
Eric Kaiser Johnson

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