Wednesday, December 11, 2013

5th Obamacare Navigator fired after James O'Keefe ambush

NEW Obamacare Video: 5th Navigator Fired

I wanted to know what, if anything, had been done to stop this rampant fraud after releasing 3 videos exposing Obamacare Navigators advising applicants to lie and cheat the federal health care system and, even worse, conspiring to sell private data.

So, I hopped on a plane to Texas and confronted these Obamacare Navigators face-to face.

What ensued (WATCH BELOW!) will make you laugh, cry, and be down right livid, because yes, the fraud continues.

To date, that marks the 5th Navigator fired, suspended, or resigned as a result of Project Veritas’ investigation into Obamacare fraud.  And, there might be more after today. So stay tuned, and if you think our investigation into Obamacare fraud should be expanded to other states, please consider donating $50, $100, $250 or whatever you can today!

NJO: Blurb from

Published on Dec 11, 2013
After releasing 3 videos exposing Obamacare Navigators advising applicants to lie and cheat the federal health care system and conspiring to sell private data, James O'Keefe went to Texas to find out what actions had been taken since the investigation.

He found that Kris McKray, the Obamacare Navigator caught on tape in the second video release, has been "let go."

Project Veritas also confronted other Navigators who committed fraud but hadn't been released until this video. These Navigators were caught advising a potential Obamacare enrollee to lie saying,"don't claim that on your taxes, there's no proof" and to just keep his income "real quiet."

This is the fourth video investigation into Obamacare fraud. The first video resulted in the firing and suspension of 3 Obamacare navigators, the second video resulted in Texas U.S. Senator John Cornyn demanding a dismantling the Obamacare navigator program in a speech on the Senate floor and the third video resulted in the resignation of a high-level Communications Director of Enroll America, a non-profit group dedicated to signing people up for Obamacare.


East Dallas Health Center

AIDS Outreach Center

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Lawrence B. Jones III

Lawrence Jones


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