Wednesday, January 26, 2005

"Tell me more about this class and any of the remarks your professor has made"

NJO: Originally appeared on the Rutgers Centurion's forum.

Topic: I can't believe I have to do this

I can't believe I have to do this « on: January 24, 2005, 07:03:20 PM »
First, I apologize for not being able to make it to the meeting tonight.  I am sick and don't want to be too far from a bed.
For multiple reasons, most of which are too complicated to explain here, I have to take a women's studies course this semester (Douglass requirement).  I went into this hoping I would get a decent teacher who would stick to the original point of feminism and not be too extreme.  Well, for the course that fit in with the rest of my schedule, called Feminist Practices, I am required to read "The W Effect: Bush's War on Women," which has this awful charicature of him on the cover.  Now, I'm just assuming this is going to be dreadful, but before I assume too much, has anyone read this book and is it really as bad as it sounds? 

Re:I can't believe I have to do this « Reply #1 on: January 25, 2005, 05:46:35 PM »
Tell me more about this class and any of the remarks your professor has made


What Your Professors Don't Want You To Read, Part II

What Your Professors Don't Want You To Read

Letters to a Young Conservative"
Dinesh D'Souza 01/26/2005
The closing of the American Mind
Allen Bloom 01/26/2005
How Capitalism saved America
Thomas DiLorenzo 01/26/2005
Shut Up and Sing
Laura Ingraham 01/26/2005
Corps Value
Zell Miller 01/26/2005
Rudolph Giuiani 11/26/2004
Our Character, Our future
Alan Keyes 11/26/2004
The Savage Nation
Micheal Savage 11/26/2004
Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man
Hardy and Clarke 11/26/2004
Why the Left Hates America
Daniel J. Flynn 11/26/2004