Friday, November 09, 2007

LiveActionFilms: Planned Parenthood Manipulative Counseling

Video and blurb from YouTube channel LiveActionFilms.

Uploaded on Nov 9, 2007
Santa Monica Planned Parenthood employee tells 15 year old impregnated by 23 year old that if she could "do it again" regarding her 17 year old son, "I would not continue the pregnancy."

LiveActionFilms: Planned Parenthood Covers Up Statutory Rape

Video and blurb from YouTube channel LiveActionFilms.

Uploaded on Nov 9, 2007
Planned Parenthood of LA tells abortion-seeking 15 year old girl impregnated by 23 year old rapist "boyfriend" to "figure out a birthdate that works, and I don't know anything."

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

MassResistance: Homosexual activists violate special-needs student, daughter of MassResistance staffer.

NJO: James O'Keefe "admires the work" of anti-LGBT hate group MassResistance, or at least that's what he told them in March 2010 when he had to turn down a speaking engagement at their annual banquet.

So let's take a look at some of their work.

On this day:

Homosexual activists violate special-needs student, daughter of MassResistance staffer.

High school involved. Also Boston Globe reporter.

Persuaded vulnerable girl to "come out" as a lesbian on homosexual website -- for their propaganda advantage.

This is the kind of thing the homosexual movement does in schools across Massachusetts. It is pure evil.

ACTON, MASSACHUSETTS (NOV. 7, 2007) Homosexual activists - possibly in cooperation with school staff -- have viciously targeted a 17-year-old special-needs student, the daughter of Amy Contrada, a MassResistance staffer.  (It's outrageous that a parent is now forced to reveal once-private information in order to stop this assault.)
Claudia Contrada was born in Korea and was adopted by Amy and her husband as an infant. Claudia's special needs include psychological/emotional issues and learning disabilities. Amy and her husband had Claudia enrolled in private parochial schools until her special needs exceeded those schools' abilities to deal with them. Thus, in seventh grade, they had no choice but to enroll Claudia in the Acton-Boxborough public school system.
But Claudia is talented in singing and especially acting. She has a beautiful voice and a fantastic memory for lines and lyrics. She has won awards for her acting. Her therapists said that Claudia's participation in the school's drama program is directly related to treatment of her special needs.
Pro-homosexual, violent play
This year the high school decided to have the drama club perform "The Laramie Project", a very objectionable pro-homosexual, anti-Christian play filled with profanity and extreme violence. Last summer, Amy met with school officials and also the drama board and begged them to choose a different play, citing Claudia's vulnerabilities. They responded very coldly, and refused to consider it. (We will be posting the audio recording of one of the meetings.)
Given her educational and social needs, it was extremely important for Claudia to be in the drama program this fall. Although it was distressing and painful to the family, it was decided to let her be in the play. The school had placed the family in a no-win situation.