NJO: "Benjamin Wetmore: A mentor of mine; a genius", said James O'Keefe in an interview in September 2009. So let's take a look at some of the wisdom of this certifiably mentorial influence on James' life.
Today, from September 2008, "Thoughts on beating Obama":
Watching the news and reading stories, I have two thoughts on how to deconstruct Barack Hussein Obama:
1. Destroy the brand
As much as I hate the politics of personal destruction, Obama's been a master of it in the past getting his surrogates to unseal a divorce proceeding of a former opponent, Jack Ryan, from many years ago. His stature has been blown up so big, that it just needs one solid cut to make a terminal wound in his brand. He needs something that really has a burnt-tongue aspect to the narrative he's crafted. He's a community organizer? Then show somehow that he cheated a welfare mom. He's a Harvard Law Review editor? Show his legal inexperience. Do what it takes to show that the Obama myth is all hope, and in so doing change people's perceptions.
2. Attack his greatest strength: speeches
Disruptions, like this one where they interrupted his speech, are effective at taking apart that carefully constructed moment. If Republicans actually cared about winning, they'd unplug his teleprompter no matter what it took-- hell, get arrested but just make sure he's seen as the empty suit he is when the teleprompter goes dark. He doesn't know what he's saying, he's just reading the scripts.
Now, having said all this, of course I need to restate that I won't be voting for McCain under any circumstances because of stem cells and amnesty. It's important never to forget that Obama may be awful, but McCain still isn't worth voting for when he has no problem killing kids and keeping the borders open.