Saturday, November 22, 2008

From the files of Ben Wetmore: "Center-right Moral Crusades: 'Get mad, get mad dog mad'"

NJO: "Benjamin Wetmore: A mentor of mine; a genius", said James O'Keefe in an interview in September 2009. So let's take a look at some of the wisdom of this certifiably mentorial influence on James' life.

Today, from November 2008, "Center-right Moral Crusades: 'Get mad, get mad dog mad'":

Too often those on the right are content to give charts, statistics and pristine figures for our arguments. We let the other side roll out fake grandmothers, women lying about recycling cans for food, fake claims of hate crimes and wonder why, even when these incidents are proven wrong time and time again, we keep losing to people. 
Only when one confronts a leftist who is screaming about the tragic death of Matthew Shepherd and points out that it had nothing to do with his homosexuality and everything to do with a drug deal gone wrong, does one understand the mentality of the other side. When they learn the truth they simply don't care, they keep screaming about hate crimes. 

So this isn't a claim to become as irrational as the other side, or merely to parrot back opposing moral outrage to our issues somewhat artificially. No, we ought to set our own real priorities, examine how the proposals on our side and theirs affect real people, and then apply real instances that have a strong emotional appeal for those who are not well educated on our topics. 

The emotional appeals can become a hook from which they learn the facts and the figures and statistics that show that our side is truthful and honest about these problems, but we can't forget that crucial middle point of attracting people in the first place through emotional appeals to become interested in our topics and solutions.
- issue - normal appeal - emotional appeal - leftist rebuttal - addressing their rebuttals
Affirmative Action
"fairness" and "merit"
Whites are pushed out; all races are taught to look down to blacks; blacks are set up to fail in jobs or in colleges they aren't ready for
minorities suffered through slavery, and now suffer through unequal access to advancement
slavery is about controlling someone's destiny, and now we have the state controlling and managing people's destinies due to race

"Rights" of the unborn
The girl who survived an abortion: Gianna Jennssen
Back-alley abortions
Gianna survived a back-alley abortion, what does that make her?


Business Regulation

Christian Assaults
Attacks on nuns, hurting nuns
"Separation of Church and State"
The state is busy separating the Church from the people, hurting nuns and suing nuns

"Individual rights" and "Capitalism"
Business owners who can't afford daycare
Poor people need our help
If poor people had jobs, they wouldn't be poor, and would be taxpayers

High regulatory costs
Suffocation of new industry and the creation of new jobs for immigrants, minorities, the uninsured and poor people

Foreign Wars
Usually a mind-numbing pro-war, pro-bombing mentality that does us no good.
National bankruptcy; military deaths that will only lead to more future conflicts and, sadly, more deaths
Body bags
These wars come about because of Democrat policies, and Democrat weakening of the military

"Border Security"
Crimes by immigrants, victims of border insecurity, sex crimes
Javier who "does the jobs white people won't take" and is just trying to earn money to send back home to Tijuana

Deaths due to bureaucracy; elderly deaths due to rationing; denial of care
The "Uninsured"

Needless bureaucratic growth
Tuition slavery as undergraduates spend ten years paying off debt
Student "services" the
topics we ought to be worked up over:

Abortion activism
Abortion healing
Academic standards
Alternative media
Homosexual therapy

and we should develop ways to do grassroots organizing around these topics

leftists organize around:
Domestic violence

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