Friday, November 21, 2008

From the files of Ben Wetmore: "Restructuring Leftist's Fancy Language"

NJO: "Benjamin Wetmore: A mentor of mine; a genius", said James O'Keefe in an interview in September 2009. So let's take a look at some of the wisdom of this certifiably mentorial influence on James' life.

On this day, "Restructuring Leftist's Fancy Language [sic]":

If you read enough leftist literature, especially college-oriented texts, you find a variety of words that only make sense in context, ones that you've never heard in normal conversation. Such gems as "heterosexist" and "pseudovalues" or "moral pathologies" or "neocolonization" are bandied about as though, well, as though they're real words.
And God bless these leftists, they are incapable of producing one dollar worth of real value, or "value" to our postmodern readers, to the economy but are remarkably creative and productive when it comes to making up words, or, bear with me, "pro-neovernacular construction."

And while these leftists are busy making up new words, we're faced with the challenge of figuring out what the hell they mean, and also dealing with the inherent connotations that these new words bring. We're always playing defense! We ought to go out of our way to define their crazy thoughts with the same flair that they obviously enjoy ridiculing our principles.

This exercise is also pertinent to the longer discussion about the tactics of pivot-point and also the Leesburg grid.

So, in the pro-neovernacular constructionist spirit, we've listed out some fancy new words to describe leftists on the left and would love to hear any input or suggestions that you might have to add to, amend or correct any of the words and phrases. As you can see, we could always use the simple answers to describe them, but the fancy language just makes it sound so much better.

- their fancy language - normal language - our fancy language -
Marxist Thief neocollectivist rationalizer
Queer Pervert anal-centric hypersexualist
Pro-"Choice" Pro-Abortion infant termination apologists
Clinic Doctor Abortionist infant terminator
Feminist Man-hater Woeman - antiphallic gender discriminator
Postmodernist Idiotic pro-definitionless
Relativist Coward subjectivist
Deconstructionist Whiner academically intolerant
Religious Hater Atheist deistiphobic
Communist Red Bastard Genocidal communitarian
Lesbians Dykes vaginal hypersexualist
Pornographers Degenerates sexual addict and social sexual infector
Neoconservative Liberal Democratic Imperialist
Radical Blacks Uppity Afrikan reinventionist
Racial Instigators Outside Agitators Corporate racialists
Modernists Modernists Ageists - elderly intolerant

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