Thursday, November 19, 2009

ACORN: LA Story Program for Torture Victims Part 2

Uploaded on Nov 19, 2009
South Central Los Angeles, Lavelle Stewart talks about Larry Flynt, international sex businesses, and ways she can do independent research in order to help us.

NJO: Title, video and caption from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

The blurb from

South Central Los Angeles, Lavelle Stewart talks about Larry Flynt, international sex businesses, and ways she can do independent research in order to help us: Levelle takes us out in the hallway and incriminates herself.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Hannah Giles

ACORN: LA Story Program for Torture Victims Part I

Uploaded on Nov 19, 2009
South Central Los Angeles, Lavelle Stewart talks about Larry Flynt, international sex businesses, and ways she can do independent research in order to help us.

NJO: Title, video and caption from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

The blurb from

South Central Los Angeles, Lavelle Stewart talks about Larry Flynt, international sex businesses, and ways she can do independent research in order to help us: Levelle Stewart told us to go to Felix downtown. A few hours later we return saying Felix couldn't help us. 

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Hannah Giles

Monday, November 16, 2009

ACORN Los Angeles Prostitution Investigation - Employee of the Year

Uploaded on Nov 16, 2009
ACORN's employee of the Year - Felix Harris.
He didn't care about the prostitution business. But he was the only one who didn't help us.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Hannah Giles

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Washington University political officials shut down Gulag Memorial

Uploaded on Nov 12, 2009
Undercover video reveals smarmy Washington University administrators continuing to press and make excuses to shut the fake-Gulag down. The Students at WashU in St. Louis erected the Soviet gulag on the quad, sparking campus intrigue, discussion, and debate.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Jonathon C. "Jon / John" Burns (a founding member of St. Louis Tea Party)
Joseph "Joe" Basel
Dirk Doebler (then president of the WashU chapter of Young Americans for Liberty)
Emily Piontek (then member of the WashU chapter of Young Americans for Liberty)
Phil Christofanelli (then member of the WashU chapter of Young Americans for Liberty)
Ben R. Wetmore (He implies his involvement in this blog post, mirrored here.)

James O'Keefe, Jon Burns, Ben Wetmore, Joe Basel, 2011

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

WashU protest and James O'Keefe interview

Uploaded on Nov 10, 2009
Wash U students celebrated the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall by building a gulag on the quad to remeber those who died under socialism. James O'Keefe was there. I interviewed him about citizen journalism.  

NJO: Title, video and blurb from Darin Morley's YouTube channel Darin RebootCongress.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved: 

Jonathon C. "Jon / John" Burns (a founding member of St. Louis Tea Party) 
Joseph "Joe" Basel 
Dirk Doebler (then president of the WashU chapter of Young Americans for Liberty) 
Emily Piontek (then member of the WashU chapter of Young Americans for Liberty) 
Phil Christofanelli (then member of the WashU chapter of Young Americans for Liberty)
Ben R. Wetmore (He implies his involvement in this blog post, mirrored here.)
James O'Keefe, Jon Burns, Ben Wetmore, Joe Basel, 2011