Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cynthia Jeub: 5 Myths About Abortion

NJO: Source: Cynthia Jeub's blog.

Note: this post is written with the utmost respect for people with differing opinions. The comments section is open to discussion, and I hope you appreciate my desire to build common ground. Please read this post to see where these comments come from.

Yesterday, I posted about my experience with the organization Justice for All, which travels to college campuses around the country to inform people about the abortion issue. Here are some selections from the comments asking about my stance, and my responses.

Myth five: Criminalizing abortion would force it onto the black market, where people are at a greater risk of death from attempted abortions.

“K” went on to say:
Personally I am pro choice, even though I personally would not have an abortion, because of how before abortion was made legal, many pregnant women would die from trying to abort by themselves in unsafe situations.
As mentioned in my last point, abortions aren’t proven as a safe procedure right now. The fact that abortions move to the black market when they are made illegal doesn’t convince me to make it legal. As I explained to a good friend who is pro-choice recently, I think of abortion as the murder of a child. This is my own opinion, but you’re welcome to challenge me and we’ll discuss it openly.

Because I see it as murder, I think it’s better as a criminalized activity that happens in alleyways than as a legal, respected but controversial decision. Right now, murder happens in back alleyways often, but at least we’re treating it as a crime, instead of legalizing it.

As a last note, I’m surprised by how all the people I’ve talked to about this say they are pro-choice, but that they would never have an abortion themselves. I challenged a classmate about this stance at the beginning of the semester, by suggesting that she would never commit murder, but thought it would be fine if someone else did. She replied that she didn’t think abortion was murder. Perhaps, in the end, that is the real question: is abortion murder? And if it isn’t, why do pro-choice people insist they would never do it? Why is it considered an necessary evil if there’s nothing wrong with abortion?

NJO: Whole post at Cynthia Jeub's blog.

Monday, November 05, 2012

@ProjectVeritas_ October Voter Fraud Investigations Cause Media Uproar

Published on Nov 5, 2012
Campaign director in Texas gets fired, Congressman's field director resigned, Houston OFA office gets shut down. Coverage from FOX News, CNN, local affiliates of CBS, NBC, FOX, and more. Slate.com, Maddow Blog and even Salon.com weigh in on a positive note with these investigations.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Embedded caption:
Go now to www.EndVoterFraudNow.com and help us End Voter Fraud Now!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

@ProjectVeritas_ : Jim Moran's (D-Va.) Field Director Conspires to Commit Voter Fraud, Forge Docs

Published on Oct 24, 2012


"Effective immediately, I have resigned from the Moran for Congress campaign," Patrick Moran said in a statement to TPM sent from his campaign email address. http://bitly.com/QYwF22

Watch our Project Veritas reporter being educated on how to properly commit massive voter fraud by the son of a sitting US Congressman. Patrick Moran, son of Congressman James Moran, discusses forging utility bills and impersonating pollsters, all for the goal of circumventing voter ID laws in Virginia and casting ballots for unsuspecting inactive voters within the state for Barack Obama. Patrick Moran holds the salaried title of Field Director for his father's congressional campaign, and assures our reporter that "committee" lawyers will defend his fraud if the forged documents "look good".

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

John M. Howting (the "reporter")

John Howting

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

James O'Keefe Talks to Watchdog Wire

NJO: Video and blurb from YouTube channel TheWatchdogWireTV.

Published on Oct 10, 2012
James O'Keefe, the accomplished activist who exposed ACORN and founded Project Veritas, tells us what being a Citizen Watchdog means to him.

@ProjectVeritas_ EXCLUSIVE: Colorado Local Media Hypocrisy

Published on Oct 10, 2012
Donate today at http://WWW.PROJECTVERITAS.COM

**Correction Date Recorded: August 18, 2012**

**Location:OFA-CO Colorado Springs Office
24 E Rio Grande St.
Colorado Springs, CO**

A few weeks back on a local news station, Christy Lelait stated that she knew for a fact that the El Paso County Democrats DID NOT pre-screen while registering voters. Well, in our undercover investigations we found otherwise.

It should be known that screening is not in it of itself illegal, however, this OFA staffer clearly contradicts the county party chair's words

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Spencer Meads

Spencer Meads

@ProjectVeritas_ EXCLUSIVE: DNC Staffer Assists Double Voting In Support of Obama

Published on Oct 10, 2012


Our undercover reporters ask OFA (Organizing for America, President Obama's Grassroots arm of his re-election campaign) staffers for advice on double voting. In each circumstance the staffers are complicit in the illegal implications of voting twice.

Music: Anthony Dini- Worlds Collide
iTunes Link- http://bit.ly/LLTIfr

Stephanie Caballero
Regional Field Director
Houston OFA HQ
4402 Almeda Rd.
Houston, TX 77004

Reporter: And there's no way they'd be able to cross reference the ballots?
Obama Campaign: If you voted twice?
Reporter: Yeah.
Obama Campaign: I don't know this. That's not my expertise.

Reporter: Yea I don't want to get in any trouble but like I said if no one's gonna know
Reporter: I don't have a problem with it.
Reporter: Yea, so anyway - But -
Obama Campaign: Oh my God this is so funny. It's cool though!

Reporter: But I was gonna see as far as all the registering for Florida -
Obama Campaign: Mhm
Reporter: Where do I get the forms to do that?
Reporter: Or not registering but voting in Florida for the absentee -
Obama Campaign: So what you'll have to do is you're going to call in to Florida.
Reporter: Okay.
Obama Campaign: And call - Let me see.
Obama Campaign: Are you going to do what I think you are going to do?
Reporter: Well I mean if no one's gonna know -
Obama Campaign: Laughter
Obama Campaign: You're so hilarious!

Obama Campaign: Come up with like - If anyone checks say "I don't know".

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Cynthia Jeub (the "Reporter")
Travis Irvine
Eric Kaiser Johnson

Cynthia Jeub
Travis Irvine
Eric Kaiser Johnson

@ProjectVeritas_ EXCLUSIVE: Brooklyn, Minnesota, Florida - Voter Fraud Continues

Published on Oct 10, 2012

Our undercover reporters ask OFA (Organizing for America, President Obama's Grassroots arm of his re-election campaign) staffers for advice on double voting. In each circumstance the staffers are complicit in the illegal implications of voting twice.

Erin Haust tells her story about how no matter how many times she asks, the clerks in Hillsborough County, FL refuse to remove her from the voter rolls even though she hasn't lived there in FOURTEEN YEARS.

Music: Anthony Dini- Worlds Collide
iTunes Link- http://bit.ly/LLTIfr

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:
Erin J. Haust
Eric Kaiser Johnson

Eric Kaiser Johnson

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Project Veritas: Earth Supply and Renewal Investigates SEIU

Published on Sep 27, 2012

Undercover reporters posing as "Earth Supply and Renewal" -- group dedicated to digging holes and filling them back in, meet with the President of the SEIU in Newark, NJ.

Newark local SEIU President Rahaman Muhammad explains on our new tape, a fake company could get your tax money just to dig ditches and fill them back up again, but it "depends on Democrats being in office."
Muhammad also said that Democrats like Senator Robert Menendez "get support from the union," and as long as we say that we're with SEIU, "Menendez gonna be like 'Oh, for real? SEIU? Oh good, great!'"

The SEIU explains this conflict of interest as well as their disdain for Newark mayor Corey Booker.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

John M. Howting
Spencer Meads

John Howting
Spencer Meads

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Necessary moment of peace before I go to war.

Running with the wind behind at 12 knots, before the storm, sun setting full moon rising. Necessary moment of peace before I go to war.

NJO: Source: Instagram.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Earth Supply and Renewal Raw Footage

Published on Jul 28, 2012

NJO: Video and caption from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

John M. Howting
Spencer Meads

John Howting
Spencer Meads

Friday, July 20, 2012

Behind media lines on this politically charged day. A coincidence or my intention?

19 months ago
Behind media lines on this politically charged day. A coincidence or my intention?

NJO: Source: Instagram.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Project Veritas: Legislators, Union Bosses Seek Funding for Digging Holes and Filling Them Back In

Published on Jul 18, 2012
Undercover reporters posing as "Earth Supply and Renewal" -- group dedicated to digging holes and filling them back in, meet with Labor Bosses, NY Legislator, and former NY Assemblyman, who tell them how to secure funding for "Bullshit" Green jobs.

John Hutchings, member of the Broome County legislature, told the undercover reporters posing as "Earth Supply and Renewal" his opinion on taxpayer-funded grant contracts; "You know the Green Jobs -- Green NY, between us, a lot of it is bullsh*t". Anthony Tocci, business manager for Local 601, tells Earth Supply and Renewal "You just wanna(sic) get the money. Then you figure out afterwards" Former NY assemblyman Ron Tocci is also featured laughing about the irony of the company's services: "One thing about it, it's shovel ready."

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

John M. Howting
Spencer Meads

John Howting
Spencer Meads

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Filming next video with Wesley Rose

Filming next video with @wesleyrosephoto. Find out more at projectveritas.com/rsvp

fgonzalez1978 I thought this was your community service project
jamesokeefeiii @fgonzalez1978 Haha I tend to be a lot dirtier I'm doing my hard time.

NJO: Source: Instagram.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Attorney General Holder Discusses Project Veritas Investigation

Published on Jun 11, 2012
Attorney General Holder discusses in a Judiciary Oversight Hearing the video where his ballot was offered to somebody else in the District of Columbia on primary day.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

North Carolina Raw Video - UNC Officials

Published on May 15, 2012
Raw, uncut Video of UNC officials discussing and embracing Voter Fraud

NJO: Title, video and caption from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

  • John M. Howting (He calls himself "Jason" in at least the first two segments, with the surname "Ranier" in the first segment. He uses the name "Michael G. Bolton" in the first poll worker sting, using the wording "The name is Michael G. Bolton" which thus leads the poll workers to believe that's his name without him having explicitly called himself by the name. One of the poll workers then asks him to clarify if he is "Michael Bolton Jr." and he responds "Michael G. Bolton, 1500 Dalworth. That would be correct, mm-hm." This bit deserves a proper transcript, because it's hard to be sure what these two people are understanding each other to be saying, and the fact that one of them is a grifter pulling a grift doesn't actually make it easier (To do). He then uses the name "William DeJesus Romero" in the second and third poll worker stings, using the wording "The name (is) William DeJesus Romero" which again leads the poll workers to believe that's his name without him having explicitly called himself by the name. He is identified as "Jon Buckley" in James O'Keefe's book "Breakthrough: Our Guerrilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy".)
  • Cynthia Jeub (Calls herself "Rebecca" in at least the second segment.)
  • Spencer Meads (Identified as "Adam Coolidge" in James O'Keefe's book "Breakthrough: Our Guerrilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy". In a snippet of video not in this long cut but included in the 10 minute slick cut, he uses the name "Zbigniew Gorzkowski" in a poll worker sting thus leading the poll workers to believe that's his name. Due to the way this piece is edited, it is not clear whether he explicitly called himself by the name or if he employed a trick of wording to avoid doing that which for some reason didn't make it into the final cut. This strikes me as suspicious.)
John Howting
Cynthia Jeub
Spencer Meads

NC Non-Citizens Voting, Dead Offered Ballots, UNC Officials Embrace Voter Fraud

Published on May 15, 2012
Since the release of our North Carolina Voter Fraud investigation on Tuesday the reaction has again been swift.

According to a report on the Daily Caller and ABC News, the administrators we interviewed at the University of North Carolina are being disciplined.

Chancellor Holden Thorp stated to ABC News, "While the scenarios described in the video were false, some of our administrators responded inappropriately, and we are taking disciplinary action against those who used poor judgment in their approach to these student imposters."

The investigation also sparked discussion of a consensus bill on Voter ID in the North Carolina legislature. Note that Governor Beverly Perdue vetoed legislation that previously passed.

Additionally, other organizations have reviewed our check of jury forms against the voter rolls and have found one individual, Mr. Romero, apparently became a naturalized citizen after refusing jury duty on the grounds of being a non-citizen.

Another individual appears to have perjured himself on the jury refusal form despite also being a naturalized citizen.

Project Veritas' journalists were offered ballots and encouraged to vote despite raising red flags with outlandish behavior -- such as speaking Spanish while asking to retrieve a foreign passport and wearing a ridiculous costume. However, while our facts were correct in the report, the perception presented in the investigation -- which highlighted the ease in which voter fraud can be committed -- deserves correction in regards to the citizenship status of Mr. Romero and Mr. Gorzkowski.

More footage coming soon . . .

North Carolina Ballots are offered out in the names of others to total strangers.
We find people who, according to Jury refusal forms, are listed as non-citizens. These individuals are also registered to vote. In one case the citizen appears to have perjured himself on the Jury-refusal form, since his jury refusal came after his voter registration. All public data is available here: http://www.projectveritas.com/ncsuppo...

Ballots are also handed out in the names of others to total strangers.
A dead voter is listed on the voter rolls. We interview an election Judge who says he only wants to uphold parts of the state constitution. We also interview the following officials at UNC who seemingly embrace voter fraud:
Terri Phoenix -- Director - UNC LGBTQ Center
Dean Blackburn UNC Assistant Dean of Students
Adam Limehouse - Director for the Coalition to Protect All NC Families.

Please Make a donation to ProjectVeritas.com

NJO: Video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

It looks as if the first eight paragraphs of the blurb were added a few days after the last three.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

John M. Howting
Cynthia Jeub
Spencer Meads

John Howting
Cynthia Jeub
Spencer Meads

Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Hampshire public records request filed by Election Law Center

New Hampshire public records request pursuant to NH code 91-A:4(IV) filed by @ElectionLawCtr http://t.co/Dxdn4Bi3 - 2012-05-10 17:19:35


FBI Director Questioned about Project Veritas Holder Video in Congress

Published on May 10, 2012
FBI Director Robert Mueller says "this is the first I've heard of that incident" after Congressman King of Iowa asks him about Project Veritas video where Eric Holder's ballot offered to young white Caucasian male.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Speaking in Houston, #TruetheVote

Speaking in Houston before Katherine Engelbrecht and great, patriotic crowd. #TruetheVote

NJO: Source: Instagram. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

House Judiciary Committee Discusses Project Veritas Voter Fraud Video

Published on Apr 23, 2012
Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. Steve King and Cleta Mitchell speak about Project Veritas Voter Fraud video before House Judiciary Committee. There were reports that Nadler and Rep. Conyers were stunned and surprised by the Holder video and asked their staffers what it was about.

"It hardly inspires the public confidence that a white 20-something can obtain the ballot of the first black Attorney General." - Rep. Trent Franks

"I'm shocked that the Attorney General isn't shocked. I'm shocked that the Attorney General hasn't offered a response to this in a meaningful way... It took James O'Keefe to get this ACORN issue brought before America." - Rep. Steve King

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Ben Jealous", "Bill Maher", and "David Brock" Offered Ballot in Nation's Capitol

Published on Apr 16, 2012
Please make a tax-exempt donation today to ProjectVeritas.com
While the fight over voter fraud continues state by state, we wondered would D.C.'s poll workers hand us a ballot if we posed as Ben Jealous, head of the NAACP, Bill Maher, an HBO comedian who donated $1 million to re-elect Obama, or David Brock, head of Media Matters? And if people posing as celebrities can get a ballot to vote in their name, what about those of us who aren't famous?

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

John M. Howting
Cynthia Jeub

John Howting
Cynthia Jeub



In response to this video, NBC journalist Alicia Menendez (whose name is used by the second videographer in the short segment at 3:52) wrote this thoughtful, spirit-of-democracy-affirming article on nbclatino.tumblr.com.

Among the comments to that article are 22 by Sean Murphy, whose Disqus avatar is a still of the "Sean Murphy the Irish terrorist" bogeyman from the Project Veritas Medicaid sting videos, and who also happens to be Facebook friends with O'Keefe and a number of other Project Veritas-associated people, eg. Ryan Girdusky, Ken "Simon Templar" Larrey, Cynthia Jeub and Anthony Dini. Here are a few of his comments:

they never claimed to actually be the voter... they just asked if they were on the list. so POW *nose bleed* no fraud comitted. Thats probably why DC Board of Elections hasn't been able to press charges.


1. "[You] had already gone to the polls earlier that morning to cast [your] vote." How do you know? because the ballot clerks never checked of your name in the video. Furthermore O'Keefe's associate inquired if ID was needed, and they said sure you should have it. Nothing awry there. Either way are you advocating a system by which a voter's right is protected ONLY IF THEY SHOW UP EARLY ENOUGH? 

As for the reason of this project I very highly doubt it is the same day voters of 2008; that would be REGISTRATION FRAUD not impersonation fraud. 

And speaking as a person in a state where dead people have cast ballots, ID would solve the issue. Furhermore you're 1 in 10 people don't have IDs is a complete phony data point that you are unable to site it. The truth is that anybody who wants ID can get it; governments will even pay for those who cant afford it. And I have yet to find someone that doesn't posesses ID. 

The fact is, Democrats want to keep the door open to cheating, and maintain a system by which legitimate votes are undermined by illegitimate votes. ID is a s afeguard to the integrity of our votes.
This article seems to show the only thing you care about is the ability to cheat an election.
Props to O'Keefe for punking you.

oH please you're brainwashed by the communist news network and My Socialist News Broadcasting Company. You can't defeat the logic.


Thats right, you don't like what he says, screw the first amendment, lock him up and shut him up. You're a freak and an animal! Stop raping people.


Actually in most states; if you have a license that does not match your address you are required to have it updated within 30 days.

Shall I cite the State Laws?

POW right hook nose bleed chipped teeth

NJO: There are a few good reasons to think that "Sean Murphy"'s real identity is one Joseph J. Barton

First and above all, the resemblance.
Joe Barton
Sean Murphy
Joe Barton

Joe Barton
Joe Barton
Project Veritas operative, 2013
Project Veritas operative, 2013
Sean Murphy
Project Veritas operative, 2013
Sean Murphy
Joe Barton
Second, Sean Murphy's Facebook was only active in 2011 and has a limited friends list that includes James O'Keefe and a number of other Project Veritas-connected people (Cynthia Jeub, Anthony Dini, Ryan Girdusky, Ken "Simon Templar" Larrey), as well as Joe Barton. 

Third, Sean Murphy's Facebook "likes" the groups New Hampshire Young Republicans and Anyone but Jennifer Horn for NH GOP Chair, thus indicating a personal connection to New Hampshire and a right-leaning interest in its politics. Details on Joe Barton's Facebook, such as his old high school in New Hampshire, local conservative groups he has been involved with in New Hampshire, and his pointing out that a purple finch is the "State Bird!", similarly indicate a strong personal connection to New Hampshire and a right-leaning interest in its politics. Sean Murphy's Facebook claims he was born in Dublin and went to one St Thomas Aquinas High School, but this can be safely assumed to be a simple fiction to fit with the Irish terrorist character.