Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Minnesota Voter Registration Investigation Uncut

NJO: Title, video and caption from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Uploaded on Feb 7, 2012
No description available.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

John M. Howting

John Howting

Registering Tim Tebow and Tom Brady to Vote in Minnesota

Uploaded on Feb 7, 2012
ProjectVeritas.com Investigation. Election officials advise no ID necessary to register Timothy Tebow and Thomas Brady to vote in Minnesota. Absentee ballots are discussed, voter registration forms are given out, and Election officials blow the whistle on potential fraud in their own state.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

John M. Howting

John Howting