My last post left a few questions: what qualifies as doing something right? If you’re on the wrong side of the law, you’ve done something wrong, haven’t you? Isn’t this just a big excuse for self-righteous foolhardiness?
The real reasons people ask these questions are because the lines are getting blurred between the law and justice. As Bastiat said it, in the minds of the people, there is no difference between law and justice. They mean the same thing for most. So when a ten-year-old boy tries to offer life-saving water to a starving woman’s lips and is arrested and sentenced to a written apology and community service for his crime of trespassing on the premises of a hospice, things get confusing.
My dad recently announced that another young man with a similar charge and record will be speaking at our For Action conference in January. James O’Keefe gets plenty of attack every day from people who doubt his integrity in his attempts to expose corruption.
There are plenty of people who don’t know the real story, and hate James when they should support his efforts. A guy with a camera should be rallied behind, as this child and this young man proved when they happened to run into bad cops.
My point here isn’t to dispel myths. I tell the story as it happened and people wonder why it’s such a big deal. Some guys tried to do an undercover film shoot and got in big trouble for, well, standing there in odd costumes. Read James’ book and, stay with me here, I’m not asking you to believe it. I’m just asking that you read his story before believing what’s written in top YouTube comments and tweets.