Thursday, December 24, 2015

2015 Project Veritas Year In Review

Published on Dec 24, 2015
2015 was a big year for Project Veritas. Here are some highlights of what we accomplished over the last twelve months.

Music provided by international Hip Hop sensation Murdakkh.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Huma Abedin's Muslim Brotherhood Ties

Published on Dec 17, 2015
political insider James O'Keefe explains how the Hillary campaign wants illegals to flood the country before the election

NJO: Title, video and caption from The Alex Jones Channel.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

MD Attorney General Frosh Confronted About Deputy Wasting Taxpayer Dollars to Chase Female

Published on Dec 15, 2015
In this third video of the series, a new allegation surfaces regarding the alleged improper sexual behavior of Maryland Deputy Attorney General Thiruvendran Vignarajah. The allegation comes from an anonymous letter which appears to have been written by a member of MD AG Frosh's staff, but we don't know who sent it. Also, reporters were rebuffed as they attended a Bar Association fundraiser to obtain a statement from AG Frosh.

PART I here:
PART II here:


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

PART II: Cover-up from MD Deputy AG caught on hidden cam

Published on 3 Dec 2015
In Part II of this series, MD Deputy Attorney General Vignarajah sent multiple sexually explicit texts to the Veritas female videographer. Later, he had her delete them to destroy the evidence. Unknown to Vignarajah, the text messages had been saved by Project Veritas and some are exposed in the undercover video. He is also shown wearing a wedding ring in public, but not wearing it in a bar and later in a hotel room.

PART I here:


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Again, going by the voice and the physical resemblance, I think it's probably Laura Loomer, but I'm not 100% sure.

Laura Loomer

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

MD Attorney General's Office: Sex, guns and egregious ethics violations

Published on 1 Dec 2015

Maryland's married Deputy Attorney General tells all to female videographer on hidden video. He reveals Maryland state secrets to a reporter he tries to impress, including a major multi-state EPA case. He provides key information on upcoming governor’s race from a hotel bed and displays his extreme (and secret) position on the Second Amendment from a bar.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Going by the voice and the physical resemblance, I think this is probably Laura Loomer again, but I'm not 100% sure.

Laura Loomer

Monday, November 23, 2015

Top Aide to Hillary Says Let the Refugees Come

Published on Nov 23, 2015
It's a lovefest between top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and the Syrian refugees in Greece we captured on undercover video hoping to get to Germany and US - possibly using fake passports. The Syrian refugees love Clinton and Clinton loves the refugees. So what could possibly go wrong with this scenario?

Learn more at:

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.

Something that I feel could stand to get pointed out a little more whenever James O'Keefe puts out a video like this one, a video which further affirms the moral midgetry and pants-pissing chickenshit cowardice of both James himself and the people who opt to work with him to make these hateful things, is this: James O'Keefe identifies as a Christian.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

UNDERCOVER: Syrians in Greece Using Fake Passports to get to Europe and US

Published on Nov 19, 2015
Three Syrian refugees in Greece are caught on hidden camera talking about using fake passports to get to Europe and the US. They talk about using the same route as one of the terrorists who perpetrated the attack in Paris last week. When asked how to obtain a fake passport one of the Syrian refugees responded: "You need a person who the made the fake passport. And you need to pay for it. Maybe about three thousand Euro. ($3,189).” He also added that that is how a lot of Syrians come to the US and that there are a lot of Syrians in France.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Assault on 1st Amendment: Yale Joins Missouri and Cornell in Removing Journalists from Campus

Published on Nov 11, 2015
Two Project Veritas journalists detained by police at Yale University and told they are not allowed back on campus.

James O’Keefe was removed from campus after attempting to question Yale University President and Yale College Dean about the Yale official captured on hidden camera by Project Veritas ripping up a copy of the U.S. Constitution.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Monday, November 09, 2015

NC State Bans U.S. Constitution in Dormitory

Published on 9 Nov 2015
Officials at N.C. State Plan to Ensure “that there is no longer any Constitutions in the entry way of Berry Hall.”

Unlike Other Colleges, Officials at Duke and UNC Refuse to Destroy U.S. Constitution.

UNC Official Not Only Refuses to Ban Constitution, but Suggests that Project Veritas Journalist Needs “Professional” Help

Music provided by international Hip Hop sensation Murdakkh.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Hid Cam: Officials at Cornell & Yale Shredding/Ripping the Constitution as it "Triggers" Students

Published on Nov 5, 2015
Officials at Cornell, Syracuse, and Yale destroy U.S. Constitution. Cornell's Elizabeth McGrath shreds the constitution, Syracuse's Sheila Johnson-Willis, cuts it up with a pair of scissors, and Yale's Jason Killheffer actually uses his bare hands to rip the constitution to shreds.

Also, Elizabeth McGrath is captured on hidden camera saying “Like I said before, it is a very flawed document and it is written by flawed individuals."

And Jason Killheffer is caught on hidden camera saying: “I am happy to take it and shred it [the constitution] in my office.” and when asked on hidden camera about banning the constitution, his response: “I hope so, I mean, that’s - that would be like I said, my expectation is if someone were distributing or, you know, posting offensive materials, that the dean would – would listen to that and take some sort of action as appropriate, you know.”


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Hidden Cam Captures Officials Shredding Constitution at Vassar College as it "Triggers" Students

Published on Nov 3, 2015
Assistant Director of Equal Opportunity at Vassar College caught on hidden camera shredding constitution and “The Constitution is an oppressive document” says Carol Lasser, Professor of History-Oberlin College.

Music provided by international Hip Hop sensation Murdakkh.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Hidden Camera Captures Officials Shredding Constitution at Vassar College as it "Triggers" Students

Published on Nov 3, 2015
CORRECTION: We incorrectly identified Colleen Cohen as being affiliated with Oberlin College. In fact, she is the Faculty Director of Affirmative Action and a Professor of Anthropology at Vassar College. An updated version of this video is located here:

Assistant Director of Equal Opportunity at Vassar College caught on hidden camera shredding constitution and “The Constitution is an oppressive document” says Carol Lasser, Professor of History-Oberlin College.

Music provided by international Hip Hop sensation Murdakkh.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

DNC Chair Comments to PVA Journalist About Bernie Sanders

Published on Oct 14, 2015

One never knows where a Project Veritas Action journalist will show up. One of our reporters recently managed to catch up with Debbie Wasserman Schultz and beat Anderson Cooper to the punch by asking how the Democratic Party will deal with an openly socialist candidate. Here’s her response.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hidden Camera: Hillary Campaign Using Photos of Trump to Illegally Register Voters

Published on Sep 30, 2015
Clinton campaign worker boasts “There’s like hundreds and hundreds of people, and I just flash a picture of Donald Trump on my phone and they all sign up.”

NJO: Title, video and caption from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.

Monday, September 21, 2015

O’Keefe Confronts Clinton Campaign Over Missing Staffer

Published on Sep 21, 2015
James O’Keefe went to Nevada to follow up on Project Veritas Action’s most recent video exposing Clinton campaign staffers violating election laws in Nevada. O’Keefe attempted to uncover what happened to Christina Gupana, the Las Vegas attorney who was working as a Hillary for America Fellow.

Following the release of PVA’s video highlighting Gupana advising other campaign workers to break law, Gupana erased her digital presence deleting her law firm’s website, Twitter account, and Facebook account, she apparently, has also left the country.

O’Keefe also confronted Philip Kim and Henry Engelstein, both of whom were captured on hidden camera in the latest PVA video, however, both stonewalled O’Keefe and resfused to explain their actions as well as those of the fellow campaign workers.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Clinton Campaign: “Whatever you can get away with just do it”

Published on Sep 10, 2015
Hidden cameras capture Clinton campaign staff in Nevada not only skirting election law but mocking it.

Christina Gupana, a Hillary campaign worker and Las Vegas attorney: is caught by Project Veritas Action journalists advising her fellow campaign workers to “do whatever you can, whatever you can get away with just do it.”

Project Veritas Action cameras capture numerous Clinton campaign workers boasting that it is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.

Learn more at:

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Quote Boat: Dan Backer, Fartbragger

NJO: Source for the quote: Source for the picture: Dan Backer's Twitter.

HIDDEN CAM: Hillary's National Marketing Director Illegally Accepting Foreign Contribution

Published on Sep 1, 2015
Trickle-Down Corruption: Hillary Clinton’s top lieutenants were caught on hidden camera by James O’Keefe violating election law from the very beginning of her campaign.

Clinton's national compliance manager acknowledged the illegality and walked away just prior to the transaction. The transaction was conducted by the Clinton Campaign's National Marketing Director.

“We have to stop the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money that is distorting our elections, corrupting our political process, and drowning out the voices of our people.” – Hillary Clinton

Learn more at:

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Quote Boat: White Lobsters

Click to enlarge.

O'Keefe Undercover Video Shows Hillary Campaign Skirting Election Laws

Published on Aug 26, 2015
New James O’Keefe undercover video shows Clinton campaign playing fast and loose with Iowa election laws, directly contradicting their previous statement to Time Magazine. Hillary campaign organizer Sarah Sterner was captured on hidden camera stating: “We don’t want to make our focus voter registration because then we have to like register everyone regardless of whether they’re supporters or not.” The Clinton campaign “maintains that its policy is to register all voters, regardless of their preference in candidates.” Yet paid organizer Sarah Sterner was caught instructing staffers to ask potential supporters “Hey are you a Hillary supporter? And then if not, then like great move on, you know?”


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.

Minions involved:

Allison Maass (aka Allison Moss, aka Allison Holmes)
"Jess Jones"
"Jess Koski"

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Quote Boat: Dan Backer, Charmless Man

Click to enlarge.

NJO: That's right folks, to super-secret Tea Party consultant and campaign finance lawyer extraordinaire Dan Backer (Esquire), it matters not if the tipple is gin, vodka, frozen strawberry daiquiri, or blood of the underclass --- he'll gladly gorge himself on it all, then brag about how splendidly ruddy and swollen he looks in Playboy, 'cause he's a literal human tick, baby, and that's just how he rolls.

Here's a song that seems roughly appropriate, courtesy of winding-down-Britpop-era Blur:

Source for the quote: Source for the picture: Dan Backer's Twitter.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

O’Keefe Won’t Back Down as U.S. Customs Assaults First Amendment

Published on Aug 12, 2015
Border Patrol Retaliates Against James O’Keefe after Osama bin Laden Exposé; O’Keefe Fights Back and Releases Recording of Unconstitutional Detentions. Hidden Recording Device Reveals Border Patrol Grilling a Detained O’Keefe on Numerous Inappropriate Topics Including Trade Secrets, Financial Issues and Presidential Politics, Specifically Donald Trump.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Quote Boat: Again with the war talk --- Think this guy might be a fanatic or something?

NJO: I haven't as yet posted a link to the James O'Keefe-connected Planned Parenthood sting video that appeared last week, so here's a timely reminder of James O'Keefe's thoughts on how to journalistically cover reproductive healthcare organizations like Planned Parenthood, and links to Little Green Footballs and Snopes, who have dealt with the story properly.

Update: Quote source.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

James O’Keefe Goes Undercover in Greece During Financial Crisis

Published on Jul 16, 2015
This Project Veritas video shows an unfettered view of Greece’s citizens on their country’s economic crisis. Project Veritas President, James O’Keefe was chased from riots under the threat of violence and was even tear-gassed. And O’Keefe and other Project Veritas journalists infiltrated the Communist, Socialist, and Anarchist movements and even captured Members of the Greece’s Parliament on hidden camera.

In this new video, Andreas Katsaniotis, a Member of the Hellenic Parliament (Greece’s legislative body) was caught on hidden camera saying: “The referendum is so foggy…” Referring to the recent national referendum in Greece on whether to accept the bailout conditions jointly proposed by the European Commission, International Monetary Fund, and European Central Bank.

As the situation in Greece continued to deteriorate O’Keefe and other Project Veritas journalists were right there to capture the footage. Things got particularly intense when they spoke to members of the anarchist movement. One anarchist, who would only identify himself as Paolo and was covering his face with a black bandana, was caught on hidden camera saying: “One day we’ll burn, not only parliament, parliament and the police stations.”

O’Keefe also attempted to vote in the recent Greek Referendum. Unlike his numerous attempts in the United States, O’Keefe was told that photo ID was necessary to vote in Greece. In fact, the Greek poll worker was shocked that the U.S. did not have such laws saying: “You go to vote and you will not give an ID, and how they know you are the one you say you are?”


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Quote Boat: Bellicose Bullshittings of a Blinkered, Blathersome, Blancmange-Brained Braggart

Click to enlarge.
NJO: Trying out something different here. I started this off meaning to use just one or two brief quotes by James to get the point across, but I may have got a wee bit carried away. 

Updated 24/07/15: Here are links to the quote sources:

"You think you're all Peace?"

"The moral balance is still ours."

"The other full-time people at this college so far..."

"As my friend Dave pointed out to me..."

"Why do I hear so many excuses..."

"Running with the wind behind at 12 knots..."

"Since we replaced the compulsory military draft..."

"It's gotten so bad out there."

"Sitting in between Rep. Rangel and Sen. Menendez..." 

Update (21/07/15): I just realized that James' mention of "my friend Dave" (in the 2008 quotation on the right of the graphic) might well be in reference to David Daleiden, who is credited as the "leader" of the the Center for Medical Progress, the forced-birth group responsible for the latest Planned Parenthood sting videos, and who is reportedly a friend of James O'Keefe's.

(Credit to Snopes and Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs.)

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

VA Still “Dysfunctional” with “Unaccountability at Every Level” Say Insiders Caught on Hidden Cam

Published on Jul 1, 2015
In a new James O’Keefe video doctors, staffers, and a top official are captured on hidden camera speaking about the problems that continue to plague the Department of Veterans Affairs. VA doctor tells undercover Project Veritas journalist: “We’re way below water in terms of the ability to supply, to meet the requests that’s demanded.” According to VA Undersecretary/ Brigadier General: “Once you’ve entered the appeals process all bets are off, the only solution to that is changing the law or more people.”


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hidden Camera: Politicians Cash In On Export-Import Bank

Published on Jun 23, 2015
In new James O’Keefe video Congressional staffer says on hidden camera that large corporations such as Boeing and Mitsubishi purchase influence through campaign contributions. “They are big campaign contributors of ours… you know, we’ll help them out.”

California Representatives provide conflicting information on upcoming controversial EXIM Bank vote.


Much of the research for this video was done by

Christian Hartsock contributed to this video.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Christian Hartsock

Christian Hartsock

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Project Veritas Video Plays Key Role in Prompting Congressional Hearing

Published on Jun 11, 2015
Project Veritas Video Plays Key Role in Prompting House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs hearing on "Prescription Mismanagement and the Risk of Veteran Suicide"


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Hidden Camera: VA Director says VA Turning Veterans into Drug Addicts

Published on Jun 4, 2015
Hidden Camera: Senior Veterans Administration official and staff members say VA turning veterans into drug addicts. Doctors, nurses, contract workers, and volunteers speak about the pill pushing practices and over-prescription epidemic that plague the VA and affects millions of veterans.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Uniformed TSA Agent Caught Drinking While Driving

Published on May 20, 2015
Here's a troubling new video showing a uniformed TSA Agent drinking from a large glass bottle wrapped in a black plastic bag while driving. James O’Keefe, founder and president of Project Veritas, along with several colleagues, witnessed the TSA Agent swigging from the bottle while stopped at a red light on the corner of 60th and York in NYC.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Friday, May 15, 2015

James O’Keefe Interviews Ardent Defender of 1st Amendment

Published on May 15, 2015
Project Veritas President James O’Keefe Interviews Former New York Times and Pulitzer Prize Winning Reporter Judith Miller

NJO: Title, video and caption from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Battling the Media Complex: What Would Breitbart Do?

Published on May 5, 2015

NJO: Title and video from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Whine some more about being hard done by, liken himself to a soldier in a trench fighting a war again, get all het up again, die of anger a second time? That's just me hazarding a guess. Do James and these other Serious People take a crack at answering their titular question? I'm not about to watch the whole thing to find out.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

New O’Keefe Video Shows Support for ISIS, Hamas & Hezbollah Across California

Published on Apr 9, 2015
Professors, Administrators, and Students Pledge Economic Support to Terrorist Organizations ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah on Numerous California Campuses

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Miami's ABC 10 Retracts Incorrect Statement About James O'Keefe

Published on Apr 1, 2015
Project Veritas Communications Director Dan Pollack demanded an immediate retraction of their libelous statement about O’Keefe. As you’ll see in the video, the results were indeed fast and broadcast on the air.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Daniel J. Pollack

Monday, March 30, 2015

University Officials in Florida authorize Pro-ISIS Club: JUST CHANGE THE NAME

Published on Mar 30, 2015
Following a similar shocking video at Cornell University released by James O'Keefe last week, Barry University officials in Florida also sanction a pro-ISIS club with the stated goal of sending material support to ISIS. The only suggestion by Barry officials was to change the name of the club "because technically our country is at war with ISIS."


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:

Laura Loomer

Laura Loomer


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New O’Keefe Video: Cornell Dean Advises on Starting ISIS Club

Published on Mar 24, 2015
Joseph Scaffido, Assistant Dean at Cornell University, is captured on hidden camera advising a Project Veritas investigative journalist on how to start and fund a pro-ISIS club on campus, how to obtain funding to send care packages to ISIS and Hamas, and astonishingly, how to bring a member of ISIS to Cornell to run a “training camp.”


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Minions / fellow culture warriors involved:


Thursday, March 12, 2015

NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, and CNN Cover Project Veritas’ Al Sharpton Investigation

Published on Mar 12, 2015
Following the New York Post’s front-page coverage of Project Veritas’ Al Sharpton investigation, NBC's New York affiliate opened their evening news program with Sharpton controversy coverage. CBS and Fox’s New York affiliates also covered the Sharpton scandal with the latter interviewing Project Veritas President, James O’Keefe. Additionally, CNN’s New Day covered the story and host Chris Cuomo expressed his approval of Project Veritas’ work on the Sharpton story.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel veritasvisuals.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Sharpton Interrupts Speech To Address O’Keefe at NAN Rally

Published on Feb 27, 2015
Following the negative comments directed at the Reverend Al Sharpton by the family and representatives of Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown, James O’Keefe went to Al Sharpton’s weekly National Action Network to question the Reverend. Before being “compelled” to leave the rally by several very large men standing over him, the good Reverend directly addressed O’Keefe and another Project Veritas journalist mid speech. A visibly flustered Sharpton said that O’Keefe was clowning and accused him (and the right wing in general) of distorting, exaggerating, and lying.

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.