Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Quote Boat: Again with the war talk --- Think this guy might be a fanatic or something?

NJO: I haven't as yet posted a link to the James O'Keefe-connected Planned Parenthood sting video that appeared last week, so here's a timely reminder of James O'Keefe's thoughts on how to journalistically cover reproductive healthcare organizations like Planned Parenthood, and links to Little Green Footballs and Snopes, who have dealt with the story properly.

Update: Quote source.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

James O’Keefe Goes Undercover in Greece During Financial Crisis

Published on Jul 16, 2015
This Project Veritas video shows an unfettered view of Greece’s citizens on their country’s economic crisis. Project Veritas President, James O’Keefe was chased from riots under the threat of violence and was even tear-gassed. And O’Keefe and other Project Veritas journalists infiltrated the Communist, Socialist, and Anarchist movements and even captured Members of the Greece’s Parliament on hidden camera.

In this new video, Andreas Katsaniotis, a Member of the Hellenic Parliament (Greece’s legislative body) was caught on hidden camera saying: “The referendum is so foggy…” Referring to the recent national referendum in Greece on whether to accept the bailout conditions jointly proposed by the European Commission, International Monetary Fund, and European Central Bank.

As the situation in Greece continued to deteriorate O’Keefe and other Project Veritas journalists were right there to capture the footage. Things got particularly intense when they spoke to members of the anarchist movement. One anarchist, who would only identify himself as Paolo and was covering his face with a black bandana, was caught on hidden camera saying: “One day we’ll burn, not only parliament, parliament and the police stations.”

O’Keefe also attempted to vote in the recent Greek Referendum. Unlike his numerous attempts in the United States, O’Keefe was told that photo ID was necessary to vote in Greece. In fact, the Greek poll worker was shocked that the U.S. did not have such laws saying: “You go to vote and you will not give an ID, and how they know you are the one you say you are?”

Website: http://projectveritas.com/
Donate: http://projectveritas.com/donate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Quote Boat: Bellicose Bullshittings of a Blinkered, Blathersome, Blancmange-Brained Braggart

Click to enlarge.
NJO: Trying out something different here. I started this off meaning to use just one or two brief quotes by James to get the point across, but I may have got a wee bit carried away. 

Updated 24/07/15: Here are links to the quote sources:

"You think you're all Peace?"

"The moral balance is still ours."

"The other full-time people at this college so far..."

"As my friend Dave pointed out to me..."

"Why do I hear so many excuses..."

"Running with the wind behind at 12 knots..."

"Since we replaced the compulsory military draft..."

"It's gotten so bad out there."

"Sitting in between Rep. Rangel and Sen. Menendez..." 

Update (21/07/15): I just realized that James' mention of "my friend Dave" (in the 2008 quotation on the right of the graphic) might well be in reference to David Daleiden, who is credited as the "leader" of the the Center for Medical Progress, the forced-birth group responsible for the latest Planned Parenthood sting videos, and who is reportedly a friend of James O'Keefe's.

(Credit to Snopes and Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs.)

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

VA Still “Dysfunctional” with “Unaccountability at Every Level” Say Insiders Caught on Hidden Cam

Published on Jul 1, 2015
In a new James O’Keefe video doctors, staffers, and a top official are captured on hidden camera speaking about the problems that continue to plague the Department of Veterans Affairs. VA doctor tells undercover Project Veritas journalist: “We’re way below water in terms of the ability to supply, to meet the requests that’s demanded.” According to VA Undersecretary/ Brigadier General: “Once you’ve entered the appeals process all bets are off, the only solution to that is changing the law or more people.”

Website: http://projectveritas.com/
Donate: http://projectveritas.com/donate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas

NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.