Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Quote Boat: White Lobsters

Click to enlarge.

O'Keefe Undercover Video Shows Hillary Campaign Skirting Election Laws

Published on Aug 26, 2015
New James O’Keefe undercover video shows Clinton campaign playing fast and loose with Iowa election laws, directly contradicting their previous statement to Time Magazine. Hillary campaign organizer Sarah Sterner was captured on hidden camera stating: “We don’t want to make our focus voter registration because then we have to like register everyone regardless of whether they’re supporters or not.” The Clinton campaign “maintains that its policy is to register all voters, regardless of their preference in candidates.” Yet paid organizer Sarah Sterner was caught instructing staffers to ask potential supporters “Hey are you a Hillary supporter? And then if not, then like great move on, you know?”


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.

Minions involved:

Allison Maass (aka Allison Moss, aka Allison Holmes)
"Jess Jones"
"Jess Koski"

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Quote Boat: Dan Backer, Charmless Man

Click to enlarge.

NJO: That's right folks, to super-secret Tea Party consultant and campaign finance lawyer extraordinaire Dan Backer (Esquire), it matters not if the tipple is gin, vodka, frozen strawberry daiquiri, or blood of the underclass --- he'll gladly gorge himself on it all, then brag about how splendidly ruddy and swollen he looks in Playboy, 'cause he's a literal human tick, baby, and that's just how he rolls.

Here's a song that seems roughly appropriate, courtesy of winding-down-Britpop-era Blur:

Source for the quote: Source for the picture: Dan Backer's Twitter.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

O’Keefe Won’t Back Down as U.S. Customs Assaults First Amendment

Published on Aug 12, 2015
Border Patrol Retaliates Against James O’Keefe after Osama bin Laden Exposé; O’Keefe Fights Back and Releases Recording of Unconstitutional Detentions. Hidden Recording Device Reveals Border Patrol Grilling a Detained O’Keefe on Numerous Inappropriate Topics Including Trade Secrets, Financial Issues and Presidential Politics, Specifically Donald Trump.


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel VeritasVisuals.