Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hillary For Nevada: Still At It Again

Published on Aug 23, 2016
A recent video caught a Hillary Clinton campaign worker in Nevada using pictures of Donald Trump to register voters to vote for Hillary Clinton. The campaign worker was also carrying pro-Hillary Clinton campaign materials while registering voters, which is a violation of Nevada law.

Back in September, PVA hidden cameras captured Clinton campaign staff in Nevada not only skirting election law, but mocking it.

Christina Gupana, a Hillary campaign worker and Las Vegas attorney was caught by Project Veritas Action journalists advising her fellow campaign workers to “do whatever you can, whatever you can get away with just do it.”


Project Veritas Action cameras captured numerous Clinton campaign workers boasting that it is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.

Clinton campaign workers were also caught using a picture of Donald Trump to illegally register voters, saying “there’s like hundreds and hundreds of people, and I just flash a picture of Donald Trump on my phone and they all sign up.”


NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.

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