Published on Nov 30, 2016
this video, James O’Keefe discusses a letter he received from a lawyer
who is representing Richard Pelletier, Bernie Sanders’ failed National
Field Director, who is threatening to sue Project Veritas. Pelletier is
claiming that O'Keefe illegally recorded a phone conversation with
Pelletier back in February of this year. The call was part of an
investigation Project Veritas Action did that produced compelling
evidence that the Sanders Campaign was clearly violating federal
campaign election laws by using Australians who were paid by the
Australian Labor Party. The story didn’t get much play in the mainstream
U.S. media, but in Australia it was front-page news. A New Hampshire
State Representative filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election
Commission citing the PVA story. PVA is still waiting to hear from the
NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.
Now, you might be looking at this particular grievance of James' --- I don't mean the possible lawsuit thing, I mean the griping about Election 2016 and Australians interfering in it and oh how could you, cruel mainstream media --- and you might be thinking, "Oh but come on, this looks positively benign compared to other matters like, you know, the opposing campaign to elect as President of the United States a mentally unbalanced man who is also an actual racist, with all the attendant danger that such a situation would pose to the world at large and all the people in it, a demographic that actually includes both Americans AND Australians", and, ye-e-es, I'm not disagreeing with you, but that's you not thinking like a James O'Keefe there. To understand where he's coming from, you've got to put yourself in his shoes and think about this stuff like you're some kind of mad right-wing Catholic culture warrior with a huge chip on your shoulder against all things Not On Your Side, which would include the MainStream Media and the Democratic Party, who are The Devil and must be thwarted. That's maybe kind of an obvious thing to point out, but I actually dunno! Sometimes it seems like there's a fair few people who write and blog and such who don't quite grasp that people like O'Keefe, y'know, really fucking hate them and the things they stand for.
Anyway, to my next point.
That's a screencap from James' 2008 video "Non-Gay Men with Girlfriends get Married to Each Other." That's him giving the thumbs-up to the camera as he walks out of a Massachusetts County Clerk office holding a certificate for a sham marriage between himself and his compadre Ben Wetmore. And that's the quote he chooses to close out the video with, a line by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, an argument against stringent legalistic thinking.
What a difference eight years makes.
I'm being coy, of course. I don't really think James O'Keefe, religious fanatic and charlatan who postures as it suits him at any given time, is really the type to have changed in his thinking between then and now. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.
I mean, I could also point to that article he wrote as a student about his visit to the 2006 World Economic Forum in Davos, wherein he presents himself as someone who gives a shit about the state of the world and the future. Look at him now, a full-fledged Trump supporter. Compare and contrast. Same deal.