Published on Nov 29, 2016
November 28, 2016, political commentator John Fund credited James
O'Keefe and Project Veritas Action with uncovering evidence of voter
fraud on Fox News.
NJO: Title, video and blurb from James O'Keefe's YouTube channel Project Veritas Action.
I'm going to try from now on to put more annotation to posts than just the attribution and labels.
So, here we have the "political commentator" John Fund talking to Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Like Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway and many other religious right politicos, he is or at various points has been a member of the secretive Dominionist meetup club The Council for National Policy.
Fund is frequently one of the first people to promote James' videos after they've dropped, through Twitter and by posting articles about them on conservative websites, especially if said videos have a "voter fraud" angle. Indeed, Fund's tweeting about a new video is often timed so closely to James uploading said video and tweeting about it himself that one would almost suspect they have an arrangement going on. Daily Mail US Political Editor David Martosko is another who regularly does this.
Here's an archived article from 2001 about John Fund being a creep. Below is the recorded phone conversation that accompanied the article. It's John Fund talking to the possibly unbalanced younger woman he got pregnant, being all who-said-what-and-when about what-the-fuck-ever and (briefly) mansplaining his position on abortion. Here's the transcript. Credit goes to John Connolly on the defunct website
Choice quote from the transcript:
"I never told you I was a strict right-to-lifer. I have respect for life and I also make judgment calls and I also have variations on that theme."
- John Fund
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